International Advanced School of Empirical Software Engineering


Case Study Research in Software Engineering

The International Advanced School for Empirical Software Engineering (IASESE) has the goal of providing training on methods for running and analyzing software engineering studies, with the ultimate goal of improving knowledge about the correct usage of methodologies in the field as a whole.

This year's IASESE will be devoted to Case Study research. Case studies are observational studies used for monitoring projects or activities. They are very suitable for industrial evaluation of software engineering methods and tools because they are easy to plan and execute, although the results are harder to interpret and generalize. The course will consist of three parts:

  • An introduction to Case Study research
  • Checklists for Case Study publications in Software Engineering
  • Aggregation of Case Studies

Presenters at the IASESE have been chosen based on their track record of applying Case Studies in research and practice.

Who should attend?

Anyone with a basic knowledge of software engineering and studies of software engineering, who is interested in increasing his/her repertoire of methods for designing studies, collecting data, and analyzing data. Basic concepts of experiment design and software engineering measurement will not be covered.

What will participants take away?

Participants will gain a basic knowledge of new techniques that they may not have been aware of or applied previously, a general idea of when they would be appropriate (and when not), and pointers to resources to be used and how to get started if they wish to apply the techniques on their own.

International Advanced School of Empirical Software Engineering 2007 - Madrid