ISERN'04 Home

The ISERN 2004 was hosted by Professor Barry Boehm and chaired by Professor Jyrki Kontio on August 16-17, 2004 on Redondo Beach, California.   

ISERN is a community of software engineering researchers and practitioners that share the interest and commitment to advancing empirical software engineering research methods.  The annual ISERN meeting is an opportunity to discuss the empirical research issues and boost the cooperation between researchers.  See the ISERN website for membership information: 

The goals the 2004 meeting were to share experience and data, provide a forum for the community for discussions, increase the empirical maturity of the software engineering field, and increase cooperation between ISERN members. 

The meeting was considered a successful event by the participants.  One of the highlights of the meeting was the construction of the member cooperation showcase (see picture).  All participants highlighted existing or recent cooperation links in red thread and yellow thread was used on the second day to identify new, potential cooperation links.  The network showcase is a striking display of active cooperation amongst the ISERN members: the network contains some 150 cooperation links. 

We have also collected and summarized the participant feedback on the meeting, see section Feedback from ISERN'04 for details. 

The meeting program is available and it will contain presentation slides and summaries in the near future.  

Professor Barry Boehm
University of Southern California
Professor Jyrki Kontio
Helsinki University of Technology